Deacon Colleen Monfre
Colleen Monfre is a Transitional Deacon, serving at Spirit of Christ Catholic Church. She is in the process of completing her education and service requirements to be ordained as a Priest in the Holy Cross Diocese of Minnesota. She served for 12 years as the Director of Religious Education & Christian Formation. She was responsible for ministering to children, teens and adults through education and liturgical means.
As the Christian Formation Director she taught and coordinated catechism classes, focusing on sacramental preparation, Christian Initiation of Adults and Bible study. She also has been active in youth ministry and has served as director of Summer Vacation Bible Schools, as well as facilitating days of reflection and retreats.
In her role as Formation Director Colleen has journeyed with many individuals seeking their own spiritual path. By listening and supporting people in times of grief and joy Rev. Colleen has helped many people validated their own personal worth, in Christ, as they follow their quest for spiritual conversion amid the Christian community.
Colleen loves Jesus and His Kingdom message and feels that she is called to serve and to minister in His name. She loves to share the story of Jesus and His love for all. In 2015 she was ordained a Deacon in the Old Catholic Church, Province of the United States (TOCCUSA).
Colleen is passionate about ministry, and finds service in the Church to be her greatest Joy.